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Best Ceylon tea!

This is where real Ceylon tea originates. It is collected, as before, by hand, only the top three leaves, carefully folded into baskets, and immediately delivered to the factory.

What you see in this photo is the first processing of a tea leaf. This is a conveyor through which the tea twigs are cleared of debris, slightly dried and sent to the tea room for further processing.

Conveyor belt at a tea factory in Sri Lanka

Three Ceylon tea leaves

A conveyor belt in a Ceylon tea factory

Huge iron machines gently roll the leaves into graceful tubes

Huge iron machines neatly roll the leaves into graceful peas

Huge iron machines gently crush tea leaves

Here the tea leaf is shaped, and huge iron machines gently roll the leaves into graceful tubes, golden peas, or simply crush it slightly, leaving its entire length intact. It is interesting that the tea leaf does not touch the metal during processing, because. inside the metal discs there are also wooden ones made of coconut timber.

And this is a water spray at a tea factory in Sri Lanka

It's hard to guess what kind of antiques it is suspended from the ceiling in the middle of the tea room ... And this is a water spray. After shaping, the tea leaves are placed in boxes and left under this fan for a while. The future tea is fermented. Waters under the influence of humid, like fog, air, processes begin in it that make it as a result BLACK tea. Without such processing, the tea will be green.

Sri Lanka tea factory

Sri Lanka tea factory

Sri Lanka tea factory

After that, the tea leaf is dried in special dryers and sent for sifting. Different sieve sizes allow separating dust, small crumbs, twigs from real high-grade tea.

Tea for export.

Delicious Ceylon tea

It is a good high-grade and delicious tea. It goes for export.

Ceylon tea with tips

Tea with tips. That is, with an upper arrow, which gives the drink softness and additional aroma. This tea is highly prized. There is also green tea - not fermented, red - very tasty, original, made according to old monster recipes and white - "silver or gold needles "- the upper unblown long bud.

Twigs, sticks, poor-quality leaves.

Twigs, sticks, poor-quality leaves.

This is, roughly speaking, rubbish. Twigs, sticks, poor-quality leaves. The fact that it will undergo more than one processing to become something like tea. More often packaged and flavored.

Here you can enjoy the taste and aroma of this noble drink. There is always a large assortment of Ceylon tea in stock.

Попробовав разные сорта, вы выберите именно те, которые вам понравились больше всего.

We only cooperate with the best tea factories in Ceylon.


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Добрый день!
Как заказать красный чай?

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Наталья, здравствуйте) Я с дочками у вас отдыхала пару лет назад)))Вспоминаем вас с благодарностью и всем рекомендуем. Хочу спросить, можно ли как то заказать у вас чай, чтобы в Москву привезли. Может кто едет?

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